818 277 0488

It is that time of year again when the wind blows and the sky opens up at times with a torrential downpour.

Everything that happens in our environment has an effect on your swimming pool. Rain plays havoc with water chemistry by readjusting the pH and rain also affects other important chemical
aspects of your pool.

Wind temporarily destroys the ambiance of your swimming pool, and can cause severe staining from debris blown into the pool.

Winter time can be a testing time for pool service techs and homeowners alike. Many homeowners would like their pool spotless, even in a wind storm, but the truth is the pool just fills back up with debris.

Our main focus during these ominous winter weather episodes is to make sure your pool is not damaged and that the weather does not cause your family to suffer unnecessary major repairs.

We achieve our goal by making sure the larger stain causing debris is removed during the storm. If larger debris enters your pool immediately after your service, and you are worried about damage to your plaster, please contact us at the above number and we will be happy to advise you on a course of action.

It is our job to keep your pool trouble free. During the wintertime service is actually more difficult due to the weather, but we are here, at your discretion, to diligently fight the good fight.

Let’s work together to keep your pool safe and clean!